In the history of this gambling football match, indeed before the type of bet that is not as popular as it is today. Because in the past the game still does not really understand how to play it, because football betting is played by people overseas.
types of games began to enter the state of Indonesia when it was brought by the first colonial era, with Japan and the Netherlands. At that time, the type of bet is very much playable is horse racing.
And only a few people can play football gambling. However, with effect from the match in the world cup, the type of betting has become increasingly popular and is known by everyone at the time.
At first the gambling game in Indonesia is really not very popular and unpopular. Because it may be the way to play the type of bet, one can say it’s difficult at times are very different now.
Then it could be because of this aspect of gambling is also very small, so that the players find it difficult when they want to find an opponent to make the bet. But with changing times, type of gambling game is increasingly in demand. Instead betting on horse racing is slowly being abandoned and began to play the type of football betting.
In the history of the first types of gambling games there are some very interesting facts, the players change and play this gambling game. Because these players were relieved when placing bets. Because this type of ball game is easier to estimate and also to get the win.
After all, the only player making a bet on two objects, namely football team will play later. The types of bets on horse racing, this requires a lot of accuracy and precision in placing bets on horse racing.
So increasingly popular type of gambling game after being played by some groups in Indonesia. But over time, the popularity of ball games are increasingly seen in a negative light by the Indonesian government. Because this type of gambling games yet to be ratified by the Indonesian state is very strict in its laws.
Previous types football gambling game has lost interest, but there are also many players who play the game in secret. There used to be a porter ground even make the kind of football betting again increase with the number of applicants.
So over time, the government itself is also increasingly allowing gambling game of football to continue to grow and are on the market available. Because some of the government’s thinking in this gambling football game can be their own entertainment.
Because if you do not gamble, you will feel less excited when a football game was in progress. Indeed, when seen from the history of this gambling game, this type of bet just seems to make a choice on which team is more promising to get the win.
However, there are some players who feel that the game is not balanced. If any team has the best players against small teams. So, it is from this that the voor for small teams start to appear. So the game is not one-sided football gambling.